

Let's go to Paris

I would love to be getting ready to go to Paris this May but other plans have been laid (more on that in a future post). My instagram feed is chock full of Paris images with people out and about and I’m yearning for a trip. I have been putting the idea out there about a trip to Paris in May of 2023 and the reaction is always YES! So, I am planning a Baby Buddha Studio Paris trip to walk the city streets, parks, flea markets, and museums. See how I spy beauty, capture it in a snapshot, and how I turn the snapshot into a watercolor painting. Discover new places and revisit your favorite haunts with an eye for detail and artistic vision. This trip is very much like my Seattle studio workshops where we leave our busy world behind and let our creativity come to the surface. We will not rush around and see the sights to check off our list, we will stroll, meander, and savor the beautiful city of light. There will be plenty of time to shop, sit in a cafe, peruse museums, and drink in the beautiful gardens. We will also have time to sit around the table and get out our paints that we purchased on our first day at Sennelier! Does this sound like something you would like to do? If you’re thinking about a trip with likeminded and curious people, sign up below and I will keep you in the loop. Abientot!

Here I am at the top of Montmartre with my quintessential striped bag.

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