

Creativity: She can be Elusive

I find myself getting caught up in the details and logistics. I do the research, I layout the timelines, I pack, ship, deliver, but now that I’m all organized and have delegated some tasks to others so I can get some creative work done, I’m totally at a loss. I have been working so hard at getting the studio in ship shape, laying out the project calendar so I can prioritize my work, and then I just freeze. I start to vacuum the house, and organize the kitchen drawers because being busy is more comfortable than doing the thing I love to do most in the world: create. Create…draw, paint, dream, play with ideas, let my mind wander to find solutions to how to put something together or produce or manufacture or sell! The hard part is getting your brush wet. I think that is why those 100 days of painting or whatever are so popular because you are practicing and getting your brush wet 100 days in a row no matter if you feel like it or not. It’s the challenge and it trains you to start every day. Muscle memory. That’s how golfers keep going. They may suck for 5 holes and then on the 6th hole they drive the ball just right down the fairway. They hear the chink of the club hitting the ball just right, the effortless swing, and the soaring white dot flying down the emerald green fairway. That is the moment that keeps golfers going back to the course. Keep on going and your muscle memory will kick in a little faster each day. Just writing about my golf game (yes, I have been known to hack around) answered my quandary of why I’m at a standstill. It’s been awhile since I’ve dipped my brush into the paint for any consistent amount of time. Sure I’ll do a quick little study or mock up but I’ve not scheduled in my actual personal studio time. I’ve been so caught up in organizing and tasking my creative business that I forgot all about the creativity!

I’m not practicing what I tag: #getyourbrushwet ! I will always have orders to get out, I will always have commissions to do, I will always have people to meet, but it’s work. It will get done. Schedule time for creativity. She comes to everyone and wants to cook, garden, sculpt, paint, write, sing, make music, etc. Pursue her, Creativity, she can be elusive.

Antonnia Santos1 Comment