


The summer is full of hope and then it’s the end of July and I start to feel anxious about summer ending. The time seems to vanish and my pace seems to be slower. My plans for the garden have dried up with the lack of rain, the dry soil, and the spring blooms that have long gone. My hopes for projects that desperately need to be attended to are starting to slip away. If only it would rain.

Today is Sunday and I’ve been up since 6-o-clock picking up the house, mopping the kitchen floor, watering the dried out gardens, raking the detritus, and now it is my time to do something in my studio but I’m hungry. I only have a few hours in my studio on the weekends as I work at The Red Balloon Company Friday-Monday as as a shop keep. I love working there with my friend John, the owner, and it is great fun. But today I am restless and don’t feel the inspiration and I’m a little blue. I’m feeling a bit tender and weary but I think its from everyday wear and tear so it’s best not to beat myself up about it.

I’m rambling on because I think everyone has times when you can’t even think beyond the egg sandwich. I think many of us have the same feelings am I right? I don’t have any therapy tips except that I’m sure this flat line feeling will go away in a few hours.

On another note, I have an art thing going on here in Seattle in Pioneer Square Art Walk. I have a little show at Zeitgeist Coffee on August 3rd. If you go to Art Walk on First Thursday I’ll be there and would love to see you.

A fresh new Storefront series showing at Zeitgeist Coffee August 3-September 6. Opening August 3rd First Thursday Seattle.