

The Paris Trip - REDUX

Bonjour Bonjour Bonjour

I have decided to retract my invitation to come stay with me in Paris in the autumn of 2024. The complexity of the trip was a bit too much for me to undertake alone. The accomodation was excellent but has very strict and limiting terms regarding any cancelation. As a small business that is not in the Fortune 500 club, I decided that it was too much of a risk to reserve with full payment and hope people would sign up. So, consider it a flight of fancy gone awry as spontaneous trip planning for a group is not for the faint of heart. So on the tail of this announcement I sheepishly have learned a lesson of self preservation.

You may wonder if I am going to Paris next year. I will go in Autumn of 2024 as planned. If you choose to go at the same time with your own accomodation (I can help you find one), you can book an experience from a menu that will be offered a la carte. This worked out nicely last spring with a few lovely people. You will find the menu here: Paris Experiencee a la Carte. Already the tightness in my chest is loosening and my brow is a bit unfurrowed.

So, I would love to see you in Paris after all.

I invite all of your questions to coordinate, plan, and gab about Paris. Let’s schedule a call, a lunch, a studio visit…Let’s go to Paris.

A bientot!

Antonnia Santos1 Comment