

A step back (not really...)

So…I’m going through changes in this time when the world seems to have stopped spinning. My head is clearing a bit from being overwhelmed and unorganized to being optimistic about clearing out the cobwebs and really examining what I love doing and focusing on that. That. What is That?

Well, I have a deeply creative mind that tends to go untethered which leads me down rabbit holes for sometimes years. Lately, the rabbit holes have been getting to be a bit boring and mainstream. I’m hankering for the days when I was a kid and would lay down on my back on my twin bed and dream about ideas and life for hours on end. I’m starting to get back to what I really desire. Truly the place that has my heart soaring and beating and me chanting, “I love this'“.

I have learned that I love to sell things. I love the connection with people and also I love wonderful products. My enthusiasm is sometimes overwhelming but I assure you it is genuine. I’m not just acting when I sell, I genuinely love what ever I’m pitching and I won’t try to sell you anything that is not for you. I love to play matchmaker when I sell things to people. It may be a movie they would like or it may be a French toy for their child. It could be the most wonderfully scented soap or it could be the best caramel in the city.

So, as much as I love commerce, there is a part me of that doesn’t want to be a mainstream company any longer. There was a time when I wanted nothing but a successful stationery company with my cards in all the best shops around the country. I still want success but on my terms. What is success for me? Is it selling cards every day, printing, assembling, packing, and shipping….every day? No. This is not the answer. The answer many colleagues in the paper world say is to hire people to do the mundane tasks. I have learned that if something in my business is stagnate it is because I am not interested in that aspect of the business. And there you have it. Business. I do not want to be a machine. I am one now. I haven’t painted anything new for months because I’m immersed in the business of it all. I have commissions that I must complete before my clients pull the plug out of disappointment and I really want to do them. But I also have to paint and create for myself. Maybe I continue with my little line of cards but I think I need to pay attention to the way I create a line that is magical and full of wonder. I want to swoon over what I’m creating.

I posted yesterday on Instagram that indicated that I am really moving forward one Baby Buddha step at a time. I’m excited to share with you as my plans and new products unfold. Thank you for being a part of Baby Buddha Studio!

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