gift shop

Exit through the gift shop

I’ve always wanted a store. I never knew what I wanted to sell until now. I want to sell things that I use and that amuse me. I have always talked about my fun things that I’ve purchased to friends or whoever will listen and why not make my favorite things available to my friends and whoever is listening? That is is the reason for THE GIFT SHOP. A little marketplace with my favorite things that I’ve stumbled upon, used, and then sourced to share with you. I am keeping it French inspired with a little bit of Japanese and English thrown in because, well, I like a lot of things. Snort.

spying beauty (a book of photographs + charm)

spying beauty (a book of photographs + charm)


The book, spying beauty, is a collection of snapshots taken by me, Toni Santos, of my studio, vignettes, and spied beauty in the cities I’ve traveled. spying beauty is 8x8 hardback. Pure art. Over 80 images. No text. Added handmade features and embellishments to really make this book a piece of art. Signed. Please include your name and address and email address.

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